to answer a few questions ahead of time....
so why did i decide to blog about elephant finds?
1. i really like elephants
2. i really like fashion that involves elephants
3. i like to share my finds with others
4. i've always wanted to have a blog and faithful readers.. haha..
5. everyone and their mom has a blog... including my own mother.. :)
6. because elephants need to rebuild their fashionable status in the US
7. to express my true appreciation for elephants and for our almighty God who created them for us.
what about penguins? cats? yellow-footed toads, badgers or mice?
1. i don't like cats.
2. because elephants are way more fascinating than mice.
3. ever since the day i saw an elephant (for the first time, when i was 18), i knew they were special creatures that should be in the spotlight!
what was your first elephant possession?
well i probably once owned a stuffed baby elephant or something, but since my obsession with elephants, i think it was a little elephant figurine from my fiance, daniel. awww!!
if you like elephants so much, why don't you marry 'em??!
ok, apart from that question being totally 90's, it's simple.. i'm already taken.. :)
i'm getting married to the sweetest, most handsome, godliest guy ever: daniel edwards. he'll be mentioned a lot since he was the one who sparked my interest in elephants.. well sorta. :)
will you blog about how to save elephants from pollution?
probably not. don't be upset. if i do find a heart-touching story on this topic, i may post it and give my comments, but this blog is not ready to tackle saving all the elephants. maybe my next one?
hopefully i answered some questions you were too afraid to ask.. :) this is it for now, but stay tuned for pictures and stories and ideas for elephant decorating.
What the??? That's all I have to say.
Why don't you marry it? We're not at Peewee's place house....
You're funny. When is Can going to jump on the bandwagon and get a blog?! :)
Being that "phants" happen to love peanuts, will there be like a monthly peanut receipt posted on your blog?
"phants are phat"
i am cool!
good idea about the peanut RECIPE
excuse me...i HAVE had a blog, thank you!
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