Tuesday, November 18, 2008

a few of my elephant jewels

good evening!

tonight i'm featuring some of the wearable elephants i own! yeah! the same rules apply for elephant accessories and clothes. we're looking for the idea of an elephant, not the real thing!

my first elephant accessory is this little gleaming crystal pin. i actually got it off of ebay for my fiance as a tie pin. but when i got it in the mail, i realized it was a little to large and "bling" for a tie pin. :) haha.. so i kept it for myself! i wear it all the time.. especially near the election booth! :)

i also got these elephant dangly earrings off of ebay for super cheap! these are a little more whimsical than stylish, but good for those days when i want to be a fun teacher! :) (which is what i'm training to be) you have to own those "fun" pieces to your style collection! :)

i got this gold elephant belt at a yardsale for like 50 cents. this look pretty much only works as a belt. picture this as a set of earrings, and they get thrown into the tacky pile. you just have to be so careful with animal jewelry!!

BIG "by the way"---- please! never wear all of your elephant accessories at the same time!! now that is scary and obsessive and crazy cat lady (with elephants)... ok.. just had to clear that up!

hopefully i'm able to stress the difference between elephants as a fashion statement and elephants as another episode on the discovery channel.. we'll see how it goes.. :)

have a happy day. :)

1 comment:

Courtney, Jer.33:3 said...

I didn't realize there was that many elephant things out there. It pays to look, I guess! :)