Tuesday, June 23, 2009


hi friends! i'm sitting here thinking about the tasks that still need to be accomplished before saturday.. in just 4 days i'm getting married to the love of my life! i feel so blessed to be where i am right now. i'm absolutely poor, semi-jobless, entering into more costly situations, as a horrible cook. yet, i'm still completely in love with my fiance. i'm completely at peace with my God. and i'm surrounded by caring and hard-working friends and family. what a joyous life!

i'm trying to think of any elephants that will pop up at the wedding. i'm sorry to say that no ice sculpture or topiary will make an appearance, but there will definitely be a friendly touch of that elephant style! just keep your eyes peeled! and for those who cannot attend, i'll be sure to get some snapshots of the elephant details and post them! i'm sorry that i have not kept up the elephant blog, but some things have just slipped in these past few months of preparing wedding stuff!!

as i end my last post as a single lady, i wanted to include a tidbit about elephants, boys, and love. when i first met daniel, i didn't love elephants the way i do now. he was the one to spark my interest (and eventually obsession) with these stylish friends. in fact, there are several things i used to hate/felt indifferent towards before i met my sweetie. steak, for example was at the bottom of my list, yet daniel's favorite. i thought it was gross that he liked it actually. but today, i have gotten to the point where i actually ordered my own steak and enjoyed it!! :) i used to hate logical thinkers.. i thought they were annoying, mean, pushy, and arrogant! but my daniel was the king of logical thinking.. unfortunately. :) but he ended up showing me that a discerning mind is a good thing! he helped me change my way of thought from everything to defending the stylish qualities of an elephant, to defending special education, to defending my faith! he has truly been a positive and godly influence on my life.

i say all that to make a point that... to other single ladies, where ever you are in life... allow change. it's good to have solid foundations and standards, but when someone challenges you to examine your views, don't run away! make your standards stronger by searching them out for yourself, or allow them to change when you realize you were wrong.

don't turn away a complete opposite of your supposed ideal man.... you might not ever learn that your new ideal man turned out to be quite different than your original dream! if anyone knows daniel and me personally, they know how different we really are. but we have grown to become very twin-like!! it's scary how similar our thoughts and actions are! all because we have allowed each other to "rub off" on the other!

am i the know-it-all of love and relationships? no, but when you love someone as much as i love daniel, you want others to experience it too! so i'm willing to risk sounding weird just so others can get a glimpse into what worked for us! :) maybe a little change will work for you too! :)

the next time i post, i will be an edwards! amazing!

this is how i feel right now:
"i'm on the top of the world looking down on creation and the only explanation i can find, is the love that i've found ever since you've been around! your love put me on the top of the world! :)"

look out for wedding pics soon after our honeymoon! :)
reagan :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

God's love for elephants

i fully understand that this is a blog about elephants. they play a good-sized role in my life. but thankfully, i have a God who plays a much bigger role. i would like to share my thoughts about several attributes of God that wrap up into one broad attribute- love. it really doesn't have anything to do with God's love for elephants (the title).. but rather God's love for mankind.

a few weeks ago, my parents and i were talking with a fellow believer when he brought up an interesting concept: the limits of God's love. he went on to say he had heard of people who believe that God loves everyone. however, he felt that God couldn't love everybody, that it was hard to believe that God could love a reprobate sinner, and that He only loves a regenerate man. oh, and because God's love wasn't mentioned in Jonathan Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" sermon. yeah.

well.. i was in complete shock. Bible verses began to flood my mind as I realized how wrong he was. how can a Christian man deny that God loves everyone? i had never heard that viewpoint before. my feelings remain the same. shocked! and i'd like to share why he has got God all wrong.

the verse that everyone learns when they are a small child is enough to refute his point. John 3:16 "For God so loved the WORLD"... the Bible says "the world" to envelope every living creature on the planet. yes, he even loves the animals and plants. but His love in this particular verse is designated for all the humans of the world. the word "love" in the Greek is "agape" which means impartial, unconditional. so God loves the whole world regardless of who we are or what we have done "...that whosoever believeth in Him..." the word "whoever" also shows that this love does not show partiality. Anyone who believes can have eternal life.

impartiality is something that humans can hardly understand. this is probably one of the main reasons for the viewpoint that God's love doesn't extend to everyone. the problem is, we cannot fully understand God's love. Frederick Lehman actually realized that point when he wrote "the love of God is greater far, than tongue or pen can ever tell... how measureless and strong. It shall forevermore endure." you see, God's love is unconditional. it doesn't change, because He doesn't change. try as we might, our love doesn't come close to the vastness of God's love. think about a marriage relationship. that seems like such a perfect picture of love! however.. how many marriages fall apart because of cheating, or money, or simply giving up? even if none of that happens to your marriage, death will still bring you apart from the one you love.

now, consider the relationship between God and man. no matter how many times we are unfaithful, forget to share our money with Him, or completely ignore Him, His love for us doesn't change. what a rebuke. even death can't separate us from His unending love. but most importantly, our actions cannot buy or change His love. He doesn't pick and choose who He loves, because we all were the same from the very beginning: sinners! which leads me to my next point.

this man claimed that God could only love ones who have already cleaned up their lives. he mentioned "why would men turn to God if He loved them in their sin?" that statement makes me think he has forgotten where he came from. we were all sinners at one point, yet God has sought us out and saved us from that sin. consider the parable of the lost sheep. such a familiar story! the shepherd was concerned for that one sheep that was lost. the sheep wasn't searching for his savior. in fact, he was caught up in a big mess. the shepherd saved him and cared for him even after his little sheep had gone astray. my point is, that it has nothing to do with our actions. God's love remains strong even if we fail Him. and to the opposite side, all our efforts to be the "best Christian" doesn't earn God's love for us. in fact, all of our good deeds are considered as filthy rags. it's not by our own works that we're saved. it's God's love and mercy that chose to save us. so to answer that question: why would I turn to God in my sin? it's because He loved me so much to search for me and pick me up and turn me around. it's not my own actions that will ever be good enough... which brings me to my final point. :)

throughout the Bible it states time and time again that God loves everyone, whether it be through His actions, His exact words, or through logical thinking: (God is unchanging, God is love, God's love is unchanging... etc.) the Bible is the best source for refuting false viewpoints, but another weapon is personal experience! in my short time on earth, i've tried to lead a life that is pleasing to God. even though i attend church, read the Bible, don't do this and that.. i still fail God several times daily. and if this man was truthful, he would realize the same thing. we all come short of the glory and goodness of God. but no one falls short of His love. it's evidenced in my life. i see my sins and failures, but i also see God's love present too! chris tomlin writes, "You see the depths of my heart, and You love me the same! You are amazing, God!" God sees the most inner corners of my heart. even the ugly, unlovable parts, that no one else knows about! but He comes along, as a shepherd with His sheep, and brings me back to Him. that is true love. a love that we cannot comprehend.

so we should stop trying to put God's love in a box, just because we cannot understand it. His thoughts are much higher than our thoughts! His love is much deeper than our love.

as i close out for tonight, i want to bring up a familiar scene in the Bible. Jesus, a sinless man being crucified on the cross hangs next to a thief, who probably deserved this horrible form of punishment. the thief had no more time left on earth to do good deeds, please men, dress nicely, or go to church, yet the offer of love and salvation was still given to him by Jesus... just another piece of proof in the Bible that God's love is offered to all.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

introducing... my fellow elephant admirer

yes.. my fiance, daniel also enjoys elephants. he is actually the one who sparked my interest in these lovable little animals.. (actually, rather large animals)..

here is daniel, wearing his ever-popular elephant tie. everyone asks me if i bought this for him, and i proudly tell them.. no! daniel picked this amazingly stylish tie out himself! he is quite the fashion-minded man. and because of that, we are a fun pair. :)

daniel will probably never read this post. or atleast.. not until after valentine's day. so i'm showing you the cool gift i am giving him! it's a pair of elephant cufflinks! like i said, the stylish guy that he is, he likes to dress up and wear shirts that require cufflinks.. so he definitely needed a pair of these cute ones!! (i mean manly ones!!) i got these for a great deal on ebay! :) yay! really, i could get away with giving him some reese cups for valentine's day, and he'd be very happy!! but i really liked this.. oh! and i REALLY like him! :)

anyway.. this is not much of an introduction of my wonderful fiance.. but to make a endless blog post short, i will tell you that he is the most amazing person God has placed in my life. i'm so thankful for him!! he loves God with all his heart and holds his family very close as well. he enjoys being fit and healthy, learning about life (he's WAY too smart!), ministering to kids, eating lots of food, and of course.. me! :) and to wrap up this post.. he definitely appreciates elephants!!!! :)

which reminds me.. i still haven't shown you the elephant he got me for christmas! oops! sorry! :) next time?


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

tabletop elephants

wow.. it's been way too long! i missed you guys!! aww!

i got 2 fashionable elephants for christmas! yeahh! i'll post those later.. but tonight i wanted to show you 2 oldies, but goodies!!

i got this first little guy at a yard sale on my birthday. the shiny glossy glass keeps the elephant looking sleek and modern. now, imagine the same figure in a frosted glass with a blue flower painted on the side.. reminds you of something in the nursing home, right? that's why there is more to the elephant than just the figure.. color, material and the figure all work together for the ideal stylish elephant! :)

here's another elephant candle holder i own. he would fit best in a tribal setting, because of that gold and woven base. also, i kinda like that pop of a color with the pillar candle! :) yay!

anyway.. i can't wait to show you the christmas items i got! maybe later this week! but for now, i'll leave you with these elephants that can rest around on any surface you wish to be stylish!

oh.. and a wedding update: i'm now looking in to getting an elephant ice sculpture for my reception! i think it would be so fun! (and cool) haha! :) Ok.. hmm.. but things aren't going well there.. i may have to make an elephant mold, then fill the mold with water, then find a massive freezer. then find a burly guy who can transport it around.. so far.. i have the water and a muscle man. we'll see how that goes.. i'll keep yall updated!!!!

hope you all are having a great week! half way done! yay!

reagan :)